• The name of my university is MAMK, the university of Applied Sciences. Mamk is a large university. It proposes 7 fields of study. The university is very well-known : lots of labels, and awards of achievement by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Every students are satisfied of this university.

    When I arrived in the university, I was very well received by my local contact. She explained to the news exchanges students the functionning of school. 

    I have chosen 6 lectures. The lesson is very different than in France. It’s possible to arrive late, to leave the class when we want, to take a break, it’s very flexible. In fact, Finnish people take care about well being. There are some rooms in the university where we can do a sleep. Generally the lecture last 2h45. Teachers give some assignment and occasionnaly, too many. 

    But there is some weeks very important, very strict. It's the intensive week : a week in which we have always the same course and we pass the exam at the end of the week. Therefore, during this week, we must be there.

    In the university, there are three restaurants : one traditional, one with Finnish specialities, and one cafeteria. 

    In my class, there are lots of Russian people, because they have a program in which they study for three years in Finland. Sometimes, it’s difficult because they speak very good english. I do not care for that, because during a month I went to school I have already made significant progress , especially in terms of understanding. 

    Mikkeli is a small town, therefore the university is very important and all students are very related.

    Many sports are offered, like volleyball, handball, gym, etc… 

    I really like this university, it’s different than my business school, I discover a new culture, and a new way to work.

    University Profile : MAMKUniversity Profile : MAMKUniversity Profile : MAMKUniversity Profile : MAMK

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  • Hello everyone!

    This blog will show you my adventure in Finland.
    I am 19 years old and I will stay 5 months in Mikkeli within an academic semester at the University of Applied Sciences.


    Today, it's my third day in Finland. -25 degrees .. It is difficult to acclimate.

    This is the view of my bedroom. The landscapes are splendid.

    My arrival

    Today, 11th Januar, it was my first day on the university of Mikkeli. I put my heavy shoes and I walked 25 minutes in the forest to arriving at School. I met some people, some Erasmus people. They all bilingual. Therefore, it isn't very easy for me .. But I try, and I hope I improve soon.

    It is 10 p.m and the temperature is -10 degrees because the snow starts falling. For the Finns, it is Bamako ... tongue (joke!!) 

    The sun went down long ago, precisely 7 hours ago ; day is very short.

    I'm finding out a lot about this country.

    See you later,

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